For now the biggest news is that the Young Living catalogue for Canada has exploded with previously unavailable products, particularly in the NHP category. The ones I was most excited about were the reappearances of Stress Away, and my favourite of all, Deep Relief. It was Deep Relief that made me a believer in the power and efficacy of not just essential oils, but Young Living Essential Oils in particular. If you haven't tried this incredible formulation for aches and pains, you don't know what you're missing! My cousin has told me that that's the oil that she lends to people then never gets back because they find out how well it works. I'd be happy to give you a sample if you're interested; I am confident that you'll love it.
Stress Away is such a beautiful blend, the soft notes of vanilla really do just melt my stress away!
Flu season has been particularly nasty this year for some reason. There's not many people I know who haven't been felled by one bug or another to a greater or lesser degree. Thanks to our household addiction to Thieves we have all stayed healthy this year: just another reason to NEVER be without a bottle. Add a dash of Oregano or Thyme and some Copaiba and you're set for whatever gets thrown or sneezed at you.
Lavender is always in my purse as well, as it is such a workhorse oil. I was certainly glad I had some the other day. We were performing at a nursing home and there was a sudden deafening feedback from one of the speakers. An elderly woman in the audience was so scared by it that she was shaking badly, on the verge of tears. I was terrified she was going to have a heart attack, so I grabbed my bottle of lavender, put some on her hand and told her to breathe it in deeply. I could see the shaking subside almost immediately and she calmed right down. That oil never lets me down!
Please check back regularly, this year I'm going to be running special offers and giveaways, so you'll want to keep informed.
Wishing you all a healthy, happy, oily year!
Your friend and mine,